A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming an Airbnb Experience Host

In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through the step-by-step process of becoming an Airbnb Experience Host.


The Side Hustlers Journal

7/17/20233 min read

Airbnb experiences couple sitting on white boat during daytime. Side Hustlers Journal
Airbnb experiences couple sitting on white boat during daytime. Side Hustlers Journal


Airbnb Experiences have revolutionized the way travelers explore new destinations. You have the unique opportunity to share your passion, knowledge, and expertise as an Airbnb Experience Host. Becoming an Airbnb Experience Host can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Whether you're an artist, a food enthusiast, a sports enthusiast, or someone who loves to showcase their city's hidden gems. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through the step-by-step process of becoming an Airbnb Experience Host.

Step 1: Understand Airbnb Experiences

Before diving in, take some time to familiarize yourself with the concept of Airbnb Experiences. These are activities or tours designed and led by passionate local hosts. They offer guests a chance to immerse themselves in authentic local experiences. Whether it's a culinary class, a guided hike, a historical walking tour, or a creative workshop, the possibilities are endless.

Step 2: Determine Your Experience

Identify your passions, skills, and hobbies that you'd like to share with others. Ask yourself what makes you unique and what kind of experience you can offer. Consider your city's attractions, local culture, and any specialized knowledge you already possess. Remember, the more genuine and distinctive your experience is, the more likely it will attract interested guests.

Step 3: Research and Planning

Conduct thorough research on existing Airbnb Experiences in your area. This will help you understand what is already available and how you can offer something different. Think about the logistics, duration, group size, and any necessary equipment or materials for your experience. Create a detailed plan outlining the itinerary and what participants can expect.

Step 4: Become an Airbnb User

If you're not already an Airbnb user, sign up for an account. Familiarize yourself with the platform, explore listings, read reviews, and get a sense of how it works from a guest's perspective. This will provide valuable insights when designing your experience.

Step 5: Meet Eligibility Criteria

Airbnb has specific eligibility criteria for Experience Hosts. This may include age restrictions, legal requirements, and background checks. Ensure you meet these criteria before proceeding.

Step 6: Craft Your Experience Listing

Now it's time to create your Experience listing on Airbnb. Use compelling language and appealing visuals to showcase what makes your experience special. Be clear about the duration, meeting point, inclusions, and any potential limitations. Set an appropriate price that reflects the value of your experience.

Step 7: Submit Your Experience for Review

Submit your listing for review by Airbnb. The platform will assess whether your experience aligns with their guidelines. This process usually takes a few days, during which you may be asked for additional information or modifications.

Step 8: Host Training and Preparation

You may be required to complete host training provided by Airbnb. This training equips you with valuable tips on hosting, safety, and guest communication. Prepare all necessary materials, equipment, and props you might need for your experience.

Step 9: Launching Your Experience

Congratulations! Your experience is now live on Airbnb. Start promoting it through your social networks, friends, and local community. Encourage your first guests to leave reviews, as positive feedback. This will help attract future bookings

Step 10: Provide an Outstanding Experience

As a host, focus on delivering an unforgettable experience for your guests. Be punctual, engaging, and attentive to their needs. Share your knowledge, stories, and insights, making the experience as immersive as possible.


Becoming an Airbnb Experience Host is an exciting venture. It will allow you to share your passion while meeting people from all walks of life. You can create a unique and memorable experience that guests will cherish by following this comprehensive guide. Your reputation as a top-notch host will grow, and so will your bookings as you gain experience and positive reviews. So, embrace this opportunity. Put your best foot forward, and welcome the world into your world of experiences!

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